Why Loyal Customers?

With the right amount of dedication to your daily marketing activities, and heavenly food, getting new customers for your restaurant is easy. But gaining loyal customers? I doubt it is that simple.

Gaining awareness or increasing new customers are the main priority of many restaurants,  however, retaining customers or achieving customer loyalty is the backbone of all businesses. “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other gold.” This is an old verse that really stuck to me for long after reading an article on Forbes.

What are the reasons for this statement?

Satisfied loyal customers can bring you more new customers

How do you know if your customers are loyal? You can identify these customers by knowing that your restaurant is second to none, to them, you are the best dining option. And because you are the best, they will start sharing their experiences with their friends and family. They could even bring these prospective customers to the restaurant and recommend their favourite dishes. Do not mistake loyal customers with repeat customers. (customers that comes twice, thrice etc are not exactly practising loyalty)

Helps to reduce marketing cost

The monthly marketing budget could go to promotional newsletter, various media platforms, digital and offline advertising and etc. As loyal customers already know your restaurant well enough, they understand which dishes are good and which is not. Less effort and time will be needed to serve the referred customers, as most likely, the loyal customer will do the introduction for you. However, that does not mean that you should stop providing service to them completely.

Loyal customers tends to buy more


Credits to Boruto

Exactly what this title is about, loyal customers tend to order and spend more, and stay longer in your restaurant. Statistically, loyal customers can bring you more profits and they have higher lifetime value. Of course, these are not effortless. You need to build an efficient loyalty program, understanding these customers’ behaviours, and also create a good relationship with them etc.

Makes your staff’s lives easier

Happy, satisfied staff produces customer loyalty. Such loyal customers often overlook small hiccups when staffs are unable to deliver certain requirements that is up to the customers’ expectations. They are people who are honest with their feedbacks because they care and they want to see your business strives. Staffs would feel appreciated with gestures like this and in return, providing better service. Happy staff = Happy customer!

According to Manzie R. Lawfer, having loyal customers is not a goal, it is a journey, a non-stopping process. You need to be committed to generate new ideas, consistency in your service, and provide a wholesome experience for your customers. Providing good quality food is not enough, the overall ambience, price and hospitality are the drivers to obtaining customer loyalty.

Needless to say, restaurants should also definitely invest their attention and efforts on both customers and staffs to achieve customer loyalty.

Why is customer loyalty an important factor? Comment below!

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